Spirit Filled Believers

Keeping God Company

God likes company.  In fact, he likes lots and lots and lots of company.

There was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb,” Revelation 7:9. I don’t know why God likes human companions so much.  I guess it’s just his gregarious nature.

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When It’s Polite to Stare

Our electric-powered Japanese passenger train approached Shinjuku Station.  Sliding doors quickly sprang open, and hundreds of passengers disembarked.  Surrounded by this sea of Japanese business people, housewives and school children, Delores and I stood out like sore thumbs.  I noticed two young children staring at us.  The embarrassed mother quickly pulled them away and probably told them a Japanese equivalent of “It’s not polite to stare.”

Like the little Japanese children, we Americans quickly learn that staring is very impolite.  However, there’s one exception to this rule:  It’s alright to stare at the Lord.

During my private fellowship time with the Lord, his Spirit often enfolds me in his presence.  My imagination envisions him seated upon an exalted throne.  His ornate, royal garments fill the temple; angelic creatures shout his praise.  Vivid colors fill my imagination as I gaze upon our Lord’s dwelling place.  Sights and Sounds exceed anything we have seen or heard upon earth.

His love glues my attention upon his person.  It flows around me, enters into me, soothes me, encourages me, and comforts me.  And I gaze, I stare!  I can’t take my spirit’s eyes off him. I dare not allow any thought to distract me from him.

You know what?  It’s polite to stare at Jesus.  In fact, when in his presence, you have no choice.  His unsurpassed beauty grips your attention.  “One thing I ask of the Lord…that I may…gaze upon the beauty of the Lord,” Psalm 27:4.

In the Lord’s culture, staring is totally polite.  Let his Spirit enrapture your attention.  No one will complain.


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Your Other Atmosphere

Our Creator chose to envelop earth in an atmosphere we call “air.” Air surrounds and sustains us, refreshes us and protects us from harmful sun rays.  Air makes life possible.  Two gases comprise the bulk of our atmosphere: nitrogen, about 79% and oxygen, a little more than 20%. …

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My “V” in the Moonlit Sky

A beautiful full moon illuminated the night sky.  I could plainly see my own shadow in the grass.  As I looked up to admire Father’s glorious handiwork, I noticed some clouds backlit by the shining moon.

Astonishingly, these clouds formed an almost perfect letter “V”.  There I was, awestruck by Father’s moon and stars.  Then, he thoughtfully threw in a “V” for victory; he provided a reminder of the victories he generously lavishes upon us. …

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Bringing You to the Place He Prepared

The Lord promised, “I will send my angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I prepared,” Exodus 23:20.  Just think of that!  The Almighty Creator of heaven and earth directs your steps.  He constantly works to lead you in ways that most benefit his purposes and your happiness.  How measureless is God’s love for us!

Delores and I moved to Singapore in May of 1988.  At that time almost three million people lived in that great city.  Can you imagine house hunting in a mega city where customs and culture are unfamiliar?  Well, let me tell you how God brought us to the place he prepared.

Just before moving to Singapore, a missionary friend of ours dined in a restaurant there.  He struck up a conversation with a Canadian couple who planned on leaving Singapore soon.  However, they needed someone to move into their apartment and assume the lease.  After finishing the meal, both my missionary friend and the Canadian coupe went their separate ways.

A few days later the missionary again came across the Canadian couple.  He mentioned to them that Dee and I would soon need an apartment in Singapore.  They invited him to bring us over to their place when we arrived in their country.

Within a day or two of our landing in the city, we visited the apartment my friend had located.  We loved it!  It amply fit all our needs.  So, we assumed the lease and soon moved into our new overseas home.

What are the chances for an American in downtown Singapore meeting a Canadian who had an apartment available?  Not only one meeting, but two!  Truly, God brings us to the place he prepared.

Dear friends be greatly encouraged; God leads you each and every moment.  No event is unimportant; no circumstance is beyond his control.  He’s always in the process of bringing you to the place he prepared.

Your God is the Director of decisions and Controller of circumstances.

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Why Six Days?

God watching over earthIn six days the Lord made the heavens, the earth and everything in them.  Why six days?  Why not just wave his almighty hand and instantaneously bring everything into being?

God purposefully chose to spread creation out over six days, so he could introduce himself to us as the Unfolder.  That’s right, he’s the Great Unfolder of his plans and purposes. …

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Catch Another Dream

The Apostle Paul began his preaching ministry by proclaiming Jesus to his people, the Jews. In return for Paul’s kindness, the Jews beat him, stoned him, rejected him, stirred up riots against him and labeled him an agitator, a villain, an impostor and a false prophet.

Things didn’t turn out the way Paul expected. He so ardently dreamed of bringing the gospel to his people, but his dreams evaporated. …

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Demystifying Speaking in Tongues

We can’t read the Book of Acts and avoid the subject of speaking in tongues.  The word tongues means languages.  Basically, the Holy Spirit’s powerful presence enabled Jesus’ followers to speak to God in languages they had never learned.

Acts 2:4 shows 120 followers of Jesus filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues.

Acts Chapter 10 records Peter’s ministry to a group of non-Christians in Cornelius’s home (See Acts 10:46.) These people received Jesus as their personal Savior and then spoke in tongues when the Holy Spirit came upon them.

Then we read about the Apostle Paul’s visit to a city in Turkey named Ephesus.  There he met twelve followers of John the Baptist who accepted Jesus as their Lord.  Subsequently, “When Paul placed hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tongues” (Acts 19:6 NIV).

Speaking in tongues was a part of the early Christians’ experience.  What’s it all about? …

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Hold On, Your Day is Coming!

Recently, I switched our television from one major network to another. I probably spent three to five minutes listening and seeing what ABC, CBS and NBC broadcasted at that time. That’s all it took; I was angry! These network programs were all together ungodly, anti-Christian and immoral.

The anger I felt toward sin and this sinful world then turned into grief. I found myself actually mourning over the sin all around us. I read the words of an earlier child of God, “Streams of tears flow from my eyes, for your law is not obeyed,” Psalm 119:136. To those who arrested him, Jesus pointed out, “This is your hour when darkness reigns,” Luke 22:53. Sin will dominate the earth until Jesus returns. We must accept this and not be overly upset, discouraged or disheartened by sin’s control of the world in which we now live. …

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Vivifying Your Relationship with Jesus

“One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer—at three in the afternoon,” Acts 3:1.

Peter and John made an appointment with God. We call their appointment prayer. For these Christian brothers prayer time wasn’t a vague religious idea. Prayer time occupied an appointment in their daily schedule. They didn’t purpose to spend time with God when they got around to it. They set aside a definite portion of their day for prayer.

Why pray? Because our relationship with God grows dull and inactive when we don’t spend time with him. On the other hand, when his Spirit touches our human spirit during prayer time, our relationship becomes vivified. He rekindles our love for him, our confidence in him soars, a new determination to seek him fills every particle of our person, his nearness floods our thoughts with peace and joy.

People who pursue a vivified relationship with Jesus live victorious lives in the last days.

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