
The Favor I Did Not Want

Jesus healing blind man“God, what’s wrong with you?  Why don’t you heal me?”  I angrily shouted this that afternoon in 1968.  For years, I had believed, prayed, memorized Scripture, fasted, been anointed with oil and attended healing crusades.  My vision continued deteriorating and my eye muscles grew weaker.  Confused and disappointed, I blamed God for my condition.  On the other hand, I loved the Lord.  I recovered from the anger and continued loving and serving him. …

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Making Sense of Life on Earth

Do you ever find it difficult to make sense of life on earth?  Why physical suffering?  What’s the purpose of disappointment?  Why so much temptation to evil and enticement to sin?  Why so many broken dreams and unfulfilled expectations? …

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God is Our Advantage

David and Goliath“David, you simply cannot challenge Goliath!  You’re only a youth, while he is an experienced warrior,” 1 Samuel 17:33.  King Saul was conscious only of David’s disadvantages.  The Israeli king and his army only though in terms of personal disadvantage.  The entire army believed that no one in his right mind would accept Goliath’s challenge to a duel.  Consequently, their awareness of disadvantage froze God’s people into inactivity. …

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Choosing Courage

For two weeks the raging wind ceaselessly roared across the Mediterranean Sea, transforming the ocean waves into mountainous waves. The wind and waves violently beat against the ship which carried 270 crew and passengers. Every effort to save the ship from certain destruction failed and the weakened craft sank lower and lower into the water.  “We finally gave up all hope of being saved,” Acts 27:20.

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Using What You Have

Jesus commanded the apostles to feed the huge multitude of 5,000 men plus women and children.  “We can’t,” the apostles insisted. Jesus asked, “What do you have?” The twelve responded, “A few fish and some bread.” “Bring them to me,” Jesus demanded.  Our Lord multiplied the meager provisions the apostles possessed and  provided more than enough food for everyone present. …

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Can there be Faith without Risk?

All Christians desire faith.  We often quote Hebrews 11:1: Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.Entire books are written about faith. True faith in God always entails the element of risk.  People who insist upon logically understanding the results of all their actions never enjoy the fruits of faith.  Faith always involves risks. …

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Go on with Life!

Have you ever met anyone who constantly dwelt upon past mistakes?  Those people never move on with life because they continue reliving past events. …

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What’s All this Overcoming Getting Me?

Overcoming life’s difficulties is fun. Everyone enjoys winning.

But the act of overcoming sometimes wears us out. Fighting one battler after another horribly fatigues us. After awhile, we begin wondering about the purpose of all this overcoming bit.

Overcoming is fun, if it isn’t too hard. …

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Why God Took Care of Nebuchadnezzar

Nebuchadnezzar never qualified as Mr. Nice Guy. Mr. Mean Guy, yes, but certainly not Nice Guy. About 600 years before Jesus, Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian army cruelly oppressed all Middle Eastern Countries.  In fact, his meanness motivated him to roast Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

But listen to this! …

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Benefiting From Your Mind Time

“Think about such things,” Philippians 4:8.

What things?

Things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy.

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