When Your Life Goes Backwards

The Lord commanded Moses to enter Pharaoh’s palace and deliver a shocking order to the world’s most powerful ruler: “Let My people go so they may serve me!,” Exodus chapters five and eight. Reluctantly, Moses obeyed God. Undoubtedly, Moses expected life to move forward. He imagined Pharaoh conceding to God’s command, releasing the Israeli slaves and sending them on their way to the Promised land. However, life went backwards. …

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Demystifying Speaking in Tongues

We can’t read the Book of Acts and avoid the subject of speaking in tongues.  The word tongues means languages.  Basically, the Holy Spirit’s powerful presence enabled Jesus’ followers to speak to God in languages they had never learned.

Acts 2:4 shows 120 followers of Jesus filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues.

Acts Chapter 10 records Peter’s ministry to a group of non-Christians in Cornelius’s home (See Acts 10:46.) These people received Jesus as their personal Savior and then spoke in tongues when the Holy Spirit came upon them.

Then we read about the Apostle Paul’s visit to a city in Turkey named Ephesus.  There he met twelve followers of John the Baptist who accepted Jesus as their Lord.  Subsequently, “When Paul placed hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tongues” (Acts 19:6 NIV).

Speaking in tongues was a part of the early Christians’ experience.  What’s it all about? …

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Choosing the Effect of Life’s Events

The thing we call time carries us through life’s events. Life started with the even humans call birth. Ordinarily, routine events fill our days: meals, conversations, buying groceries, attending church.

On the other hand, many unexpected and unpleasant events muscle their way into our lives. You don’t choose these. In fact, you don’t even want them. Nevertheless, they come. …

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Hold On, Your Day is Coming!

Recently, I switched our television from one major network to another. I probably spent three to five minutes listening and seeing what ABC, CBS and NBC broadcasted at that time. That’s all it took; I was angry! These network programs were all together ungodly, anti-Christian and immoral.

The anger I felt toward sin and this sinful world then turned into grief. I found myself actually mourning over the sin all around us. I read the words of an earlier child of God, “Streams of tears flow from my eyes, for your law is not obeyed,” Psalm 119:136. To those who arrested him, Jesus pointed out, “This is your hour when darkness reigns,” Luke 22:53. Sin will dominate the earth until Jesus returns. We must accept this and not be overly upset, discouraged or disheartened by sin’s control of the world in which we now live. …

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Vivifying Your Relationship with Jesus

“One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer—at three in the afternoon,” Acts 3:1.

Peter and John made an appointment with God. We call their appointment prayer. For these Christian brothers prayer time wasn’t a vague religious idea. Prayer time occupied an appointment in their daily schedule. They didn’t purpose to spend time with God when they got around to it. They set aside a definite portion of their day for prayer.

Why pray? Because our relationship with God grows dull and inactive when we don’t spend time with him. On the other hand, when his Spirit touches our human spirit during prayer time, our relationship becomes vivified. He rekindles our love for him, our confidence in him soars, a new determination to seek him fills every particle of our person, his nearness floods our thoughts with peace and joy.

People who pursue a vivified relationship with Jesus live victorious lives in the last days.

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Our Personal Comforter and Encourager

God is a person. Humans can fellowship with this divine person. He isn’t distant, unknowable or remote. Humans can experience God, fellowship with him and enjoy his presence. His wonderful presence imparts hopefulness to our hearts, courage to our minds and joy to our emotions. …

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Becoming Everything God Needs

Couple Praying TogetherYour spouse is a gift from God to you.  Genesis Chapter 2 illustrates God’s original design for marriage.  He created two humans and put them together: Adam, God’s gift to Eve and Eve, God’s gift to Adam.  Nothing’s changed—your spouse is God’s gift to you. …

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Adam From Bethlehem

Adam from Bethlehem?  No, God purposefully placed him in a region called the Garden of Eden.  Bethlehem didn’t exist when the first man walked on planet earth.

True, God’s first created human named Adam began life in Eden.  But God raised up a man Scripture calls the last Adam.  This man started life as a baby in Bethlehem, Israel.  Christmas celebrates the birth of an infant who matured into manhood, sacrificed his life for the sins of the world, and was raised from the dead.  At his resurrection, Jesus became “the last Adam, a life-giving spirit,” 1 Corinthians 15:45.

There was an Adam from Eden and also an Adam from Bethlehem. …

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Better Than Walt Disney

People refer to Walt Disney as the father of animation.  His genius popularized animated cartoons.  Disney characters like Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse come to live in countless theaters, TV’s and DVD’s.  Disney’s ability to make cartoon characters seem life-like built a multi-billion-dollar industry. …

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I Found Heavenly Father’s Mirror on the Beach

Darkness shrouded the beach late on evening.  No man-made lights illuminated the blackness that stretched forever.  As I looked heavenward, multitudes of brilliant stars and planets filled the sky.  The heavens declared God’s glory and displayed his splendor!  My heart leaped for joy as I reveled in Father’s heavenly handiwork. …

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