“A Faithful Person Will Be Richly Blessed,” Proverbs 28:20.

Tired Woman Tired

Either mental or physical fatigue makes it easy to quit at whatever we know to do or want to do.  Remember that the Lord promises to richly bless the faithful.  What’s “faithful”?  It’s keeping going when you don’t feel like it.  Okay.  So how do we keep going in spite of fatigue?

“A Faithful Person Will Be Richly Blessed,” Proverbs 28:20. Read More »

Don’t Fear Your Fears

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Feeling condemned over our fearful feelings isn’t that uncommon.   On the other hand, fearing our fears magnifies them.  We think God doesn’t want anything to do with us since we are entertaining fear and, therefore, we hesitate to ask him for help.  So, it’s very important to overcome fear of our fears.  …

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Good Stuff in the Book of Lamentations?

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The title of the Bible book called Lamentations discourages interest in these words written by Jeremiah.  Therefore, let me share with you some absolutely fabulous verses in chapter three.  Many of these are worth memorizing!

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The Word of God and Human Health

Spiritual HealthThe book of Proverbs repeatedly points out the relationship between the Word of God and human health.   One dictionary defines health as: “Physical or mental soundness; freedom from disease or pain.”  The following verses from Proverbs point out the good effect of God’s Word on both our physical and mental health. …

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The Creator of Pleasant Effects

The word “death” describes an event that all humans avoid. Nevertheless our bodies eventually cease functioning and we experience the awful event common to all humans. We struggle through emotional adjustments to the absence of loved ones and friends who pass away. Being a Christian doesn’t exempt us from death or the feeling of loneliness when loved ones depart. …

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Controlled by a Fearless Imagination

Israel’s army was capable of defending the tiny nation. The army’s leader, King Saul, looked like an impressive warrior men were willing to follow into battle. Equipped for warfare and trained for battle, Israel’s army looked prepared for an encounter with the Philistine forces.

In spite of appearances, the Israelies proved woefully ill prepared for military engagement. “…Saul and all the Israelites were dismayed and terrified,”  1 Samuel 17:11.  “When the Israelites saw (Goliath), they all ran from him in great fear,” 1 Samuel 17:24.  They were controlled by fearful imaginations. They could only picture themselves slaughtered by the opposing army. They could not imagine themselves as victors. …

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Your Spouse’s Helper


Love makes us want to help the one we love. Therefore, it should be easy for us to desire to be a helper for our spouse. Regrettably, it doesn’t always work that way. We are so self-centered we concentrate on how our spouse helps us and overlook opportunities to be a helper to them. But this self-centeredness can be eliminated. In fact, that’s one of God’s reasons for creating marriage—to deliver us from self-centeredness. …

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The Objective of Endurance

“If we endure we will reign with” Jesus (2 Timothy 2:12).

Most people admire endurance. We appreciate the athlete who presses on in spite of injury. We marvel at the university student who maintains good grades in spite of family problems or financial struggles.Christ on the Cross

No one experienced trails and pain equivalent to the tough times that surrounded Jesus. Well, tough times also attack those who follow Jesus. Perhaps the unpleasantness is personal or it’s persecution because of our love of Jesus and obedience to him. Either way, the Scripture reminds us to keep the objective of endurance in view so we will not lose heart and give up. The objective stated in 2 Timothy 2:12? “We will…reign with” Jesus! Endurance makes us trustworthy servants able to assist Jesus during His kingdom on earth. When life is painful remind yourself of pains outcome–eternal service in behalf of the Jesus who loves us infinitely!

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You Can Do It!

Through the apostle Paul the Holy Spirit issued five very important commands.

  • Be on your guard.Philippians 4:13
  • Stand firm in the faith.
  • Be men of courage.
  • Be strong.
  • Do everything in love.

Each command describes Jesus.  He vigilantly remained on guard, he stood firm in his faith, he always acted courageously, he remained unbelievably strong in all circumstances and loved his heavenly Father supremely and mankind whole-heartedly.  The Spirit of the resurrected Jesus lives in the spirit’s of every human who surrenders to his lordship.  Empowered by the presence of Jesus we can perform each of these commands.  Truly, we can do everything through the mighty Spirit of Jesus that dwells in us!

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Scripture Sheets Made Convenient

About five years ago we started printing Scripture Sheets. We chose a subject like “Hope” and filled a half sheet of paper with verses related to hope, printed it and mailed it. Then, we began sending Scripture Sheets via email. Many people responded with comments like, “I really needed that Scripture Sheet.” Or, “Those verses spoke to me.”

Now, we have about 80 Scripture Sheets on our website www.comfortencouragement.org. On the home page click on “Our Gifts to You” and then click on “Scripture Sheets.” This will bring up a list of titles that you can open.
Scripture Sheets Made Convenient

You are welcome to download or print as many copies as you wish and share them. Comfort and Encouragement Ministries is here to bless people, to strengthen them and make them more powerful witnesses of Jesus.

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