When You Don’t Know What to Ask

Bible StudyHere’s an email we received: “The surgery was a disaster. My husband had a brain hemorrhage and stroke in recovery. He was in ICU for 9 days. His brain is slowly waking up. It probably will be a recovery that takes several weeks/months. Thanks for praying for us—we have needed it!”  After reading this email we didn’t know specifically how to pray for our friend. What do we do when we don’t know what to ask? …

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Do Not Fret

“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil,” Psalm 37:7-8. 

The word “fret” is defined in Webster’s 1828 Dictionary as “to rub; to wear away by friction; to corrode; to gnaw; eat away; to agitate; disturb and vex.”  Obviously, God warns us of fretting because of its dire consequences for us.  Fretting always hurts you physically, spiritually and in every other way.  Its corrosive effect eats away at your strength to seek the Lord because fretting turns your attention from him toward those who care nothing at all about Jesus.  

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God Wants Better Than the Best for You

Life ClockStages make up our lifetime on earth. God wants to serve as Lord over the stages of our lives. Stages are inevitable as we spend more and more years on planet earth. Consequently, don’t try holding on to the past . Let them go and enjoy where you are in energy level, number of years, and interests.

 Lots of pleasant memories fill my mind. Delores and I have fun talking about these past events, but we don’t want to return to any of them. Why? Because we are having fun being seniors. More importantly, we have the faith to enter new stages of life because God is with us and God has good things in mind for the current time of life in which we find ourselves.

Here is a Scripture Sheet entitled God Wants Better Than The Best For You. This “best” includes the stage of life you are in.

God Wants Better than the Best for You

Be greatly encouraged, James.

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Accepting Father’s Hugs

Jesus hugsGod loves hugging his earthly children.  He expresses his immeasurable affection for us by embracing us.  Our human desire to hug family members and close friends merely reflects the joy Heavenly Father receives when he hugs us.

How can we give God the thrill of hugging us? …

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Using Life’s Ups and Downs

shipLet’s put out to sea,” the captain ordered.  Sailors flung ropes off the ship to the dock.  Rowers strained at their oars as the little wooden vessel pulled away from land and headed out into the Mediterranean.  Below decks a Hebrew prophet named Jonah lay fast asleep.

The ship’s crew anticipated a routine voyage.  Everyone felt “up” as the sea breeze pushed the craft farther and farther from land.  Things looked good! …

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Hearing the “Whole” News

breaking news

All of us swim in a sea of news.  Television and radio broadcasts, newspapers and magazines, as well as talk among friends saturate us with the latest news of events from around the world.  Jesus predicted that in the time just before his return, many people would drown in the flood of terrifying bad news. …

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Meditation that Builds You Up and Never Tears You Down

 paul in chains

Lots of distressing thoughts tried worming their way into the Apostle Paul’s mind. No wonder! The government of the Roman Empire held Paul prisoner and intended to place him on trial. The emperor’s decision would determine whether the apostle lived or died.
Additionally, news from the churches wasn’t always pleasant and encouraging. Paul’s love for the new Christian believers burdened him with concern for their welfare. Reports of their struggles, their failures and their difficulties filled his heart with pain. Tears trickled down his face as he called on the Lord Jesus to strengthen the churches he had started.
Paul in prisonAs Paul awaited trial before the emperor, he sent a letter to the Christians in Phillipa, Macedonia. These followers of Jesus needed to hear a word of assurance from the man who founded their church. As Paul wrote to these precious people he used the word joy six times in this very brief letter. “In all my prayers for all of you I always pray with joy.” (1) On top of that he penned the word rejoice eight times. “Because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice.” (2) “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice.” (3) These are not the words of a depressed, despondent and apprehensive man. Joy bubbled up in Paul’s spirit and a rejoicing mind filled his vocabulary with words of victory. Why? Paul practiced meditation that built him up and never tore him down!
As Paul reached the end of writing his letter to the Philippians, he wrote a description of meditation that always builds us up. “Finally…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (4) Yes, we choose to entertain thoughts that either build us up or tear us down. We are in charge of the thoughts that fill our minds. No, it isn’t always easy to think about things that are true, pure, noble, right, excellent or praiseworthy, but we can walk through this life selecting thoughts that are up-building while rejecting thoughts that are destructive.

Quiet Our Noisey Minds

The human mind is a very noisey place. It never rests except during sleep. Ideas, reactions, dreams and words fill the mind even when we wish it would quiet down.Peace of God
Even though life irresistibly moved the apostle Paul toward his trial, he purposefully practiced Bible type meditation. Consequently, peace filled his mind and joy infused his emotions.
Meditation engages our thoughts with the object of our attention. The mind thinks about whatever the heart loves. Therefore, Paul’s powerful love for Jesus glued his mind on him.
Satan, the godless world and our own adamic nature wish to clutter our minds with lots of noise. To counter this attack of fear, anxiety, godlessness and false teaching we fill our minds with God’s written Word. Then here is what happens to the Word filled mind.

“Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble,” Psalm 119:165.
“If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river,” Isaiah 48:18.

God’s Word is more than a text-book comprised of print on paper. “The Word of God is living and active.” (5) Jesus confidently declared, “The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.” (6) Scripture originated in the Holy Spirit and this same spirit makes God’s written Word come alive in our human spirits. It truly is, “active and living!” Therefore, when fear or anxiety shouted words of doom in Paul’s mind, he attacked these words by deliberately rehearsing God’s promises. As a result the peace that comes from God beat down the clamor aroused by fearful thoughts and emman holding bibleotions. Psalm 119:95 certainly applies to Paul’s situation: “The wicked are waiting to destroy me, but I will ponder your statutes.”
Bible based meditation lifts our thoughts to the Lord, his goodness, his power and his love. We don’t merely guess about our future or our current situations. We know what God is like because his Word describes his character, his innermost being, his essence. As we gaze on him by meditating in his Word his love quiets our troubled minds and calmness spreads throughout our entire person!

Dominate Your Mind by the Power of Your Human Spirit

Jesus did not inherit Adam’s sinful nature. He inherited his heavenly Father’s sinless nature. Nevertheless, Satan felt confident in his ability to corrupt Jesus’ purity and thereby disqualify him from becoming the Savior of the world.
How did Satan go about his effort to contaminate Jesus’ devotion to heavenly Father? He injected impure thoughts into the Lord’s mind!

“The devil said to him…” (Luke 4:3).
“The devil…said to him…” (Luke 4:5-6).
“The devil… ‘if you are the Son of God,’ he said…” (Luke 4:9).

Although forty days of fasting had torn Jesus down physically and emotionally his human spirit remained powerful. Consequently, he dominated his mind by the power of his spirit. He rejected and obliterated the deceitful thoughts Satan forced into his mind.
You are a child of God and the Spirit of the living Jesus dwells in you. Therefore, by the power of Jesus’ Spirit you can subdue meditation that attempts to tear you down. Jesus’ presence in our spirits does not shield our minds from all satanic suggestions. We, like Jesus, are susceptible to godless ideas. However, the presence of Jesus equips us with divine power to rule our minds and bring them into submission to God’s ways and thoughts. “The one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” (7)
You can choose to exercise control over your meditation because God restored to you all the rights Adam and Eve gave away. Jesus regained for us the right to govern our minds and master the thoughts that try debilitating us.


1. Philippians 1:4
2. Philippians 1:18
3. Philippians 4:4
4. Philippians 4:8
5. Hebrews 4:12
6. John 6:63
7. 1 John 4:4

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Thoughts During Prayer

Delores and I moved from the Republic of Singapore to Tokyo, Japan in May 1989.  Living in thJournalat noisy, crowded city of 30 million people proved very taxing for the focusing muscles around my eyes.  By the summer of 1991 it was becoming more and more difficult for me to focus on writing, reading or merely looking at anything for very long.  On August 5, 1991 I had to give up writing in my prayer journal.  Focusing was just too exhausting.  Listed below are the comments I wrote on that day using a calligraphy pen and inscribing words about 3/4 of an inch tall.  I trust these comments are a blessing to you this year! …

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