A Mind Filled with Peace

Scripture Sheets on WebsiteSeveral years ago we started publishing Scripture Sheets which lists verses about a specific topic. We publish a new Scripture Sheet on the third Tuesday of each month.  I pray these verses from A Mind Filled with Peace bring you peace of mind and spirit.  You can find over 100 Scripture Sheets on our website.  Please feel free to click here and print any of them you wish to keep for yourself or share with others!

Be greatly encouraged,

Pastor James Fields …

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Leaving Prayer, Entering Communion

LPEC Front Cover“Pastor, my prayer list is becoming so long that I’m tired of making request after request for this and that. What should I do?” a young zealous Christian asked me.
“Throw away your prayer list and start communing with God’s Spirit,” I responded.
With a look of astonishment my friend blurted out, “You can’t be serious! Without a list, what would I pray about?”
“Bill, prayer isn’t only about asking God for things. Prayer is fellowshipping with God, being with him and enjoying his presence. You’re tired of asking God for stuff, because your endless asking blocks you from communing with God’s Spirit.”

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Faith in God; Fruitfulness From God

Abraham and family

Abraham enjoyed a good life.  Surrounded by friends, family and a prosperous community, he faced a secure, delightful future.  Confidence in his ancestors’ gods appeared to keep the supernatural on his side. …

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You Need a Break

After completing His creation, God designated the seventh day as a day of rest.  He rested from all His work, but He didn’t rest because of fatigue.  “The Lord is the…Creator of the ends of the earth.  He will not grow tired or weary,” Genesis 2:2-3 & Isaiah 40:28.  God created the day of rest for humans. …

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Verses that Vivify from the book of Isaiah

Book of IsaiahIsaiah was a Jewish prophet anointed by the Lord who lived about 700 years before Jesus.  Every time I read Isaiah I am encouraged by many of his wonderful statements.  Here are some examples of uplifting phrases from the book of Isaiah. …

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Verses that Vivify from the Book of Psalm

We trust that these Verses that Vivify from Psalm chapters 8-20 bless you! Psalms is such an uplifting and encouraging book. Here are some selected verses that we trust encourage you today! We at Comfort and Encouragement Ministries love you a lot! …

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What Have You Done For Your Spirit Today?

Morning RoutineYou begin your day with about eight hours sleep.  You arise from your slumber, make your physical appearance presentable and enjoy breakfast.  During all these activities, you unconsciously breathe the air God created, experience the energy your circulatory system provides and experience the sensations your nervous system feels.  You proceed through your day, taking care of all your physical needs and desires. …

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People and Pink Periwinkles

pink periwinkleOne fall I abandoned a pot of pink periwinkles.  Part of the plant died and the remainder looked very sick.  I moved the potted plant from our patio to a neglected corner of our back yard.  After all, “out of sight is out of mind.”

During the winter the abandoned plant endured months of drought and temperatures that reached the low twenties.  I simply paid no attention to it and intended to throw it away in early spring.

Guess what?  The plant survived, revived and again occupies a prominent place on our patio.  It’s beautiful!  The leaves and stems appear as healthy as ever.  Beautiful pink flowers sit atop almost every stem. …

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Teach Me to Pray Like Paul

In December 1967 Delores and I moved to a little central Texas town named Clifton and became pastors of the church there.  I worked 45 hours a week at a manufacturing plant there and pastored the small church.  I, also, was dealing with a condition called Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar although I was completely ignorant of my condition.  I suffered with the symptom, but didn’t know Hypoglycemia existed.  …

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